videoview seekto

I am trying to Seek to a particular location in a video in Android and I am completely stuck because of the inconsistencies it is showing in its behaviour. Here's a list of things I ve ...

相關軟體 Adobe Media Player 下載

Adobe Media Player is a next-generation desktop media player, providing high-quality video playback of streamed, downloaded, or locally stored video content. Using the simple, intuitive interface of A...

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  • I'm having problems with seeking video. My application should resume video from place ...
    android - seekTo in VideoView - Stack Overflow
  • I am trying to Seek to a particular location in a video in Android and I am completely stu...
    android - VideoView seekto() function extremely inconsistent ...
  • I am playing a Video using a VideoView in my app. On the click of a button, it records the...
    Android VideoView resume and seekTo - Stack Overflow ...
  • 最近在開發視頻廣告組件,也遇到了題主說的問題。我用的原生的VideoView,未使用vitamio。在解決問題的過程中,發現這其實跟seekTo的用法無關,而是視頻源本身的跳轉定位...
    android vitamio videoview無法seekto? - 知乎 - 發現更大的世 ...
  • 前言 之前有讲过如何使用SurfaceView配合MediaPlayer播放视频,其实Android还为开发人员提供了另外一种更简单的播放视频媒体的方式,那就是VideoView,...
    Android--使用VideoView播放视频 - 承香墨影 - 博客园
  • #5 I am trying to implement fast-forward/rewind functionality for Vid...
    Issue 9135 - android - MediaPlayerVideoView and SeekTo befo ...
  • The VideoView class can load images from various sources (such as resources or content pro...
    VideoView | Android Developers
  • Code examples using VideoView.seekTo. Codota understands the worlds code and provides you ...
    VideoView.seekTo Android code examples | Codota
  • 最近工作的任务与播放器相关(本人是个新手),需要用到mediaPlayer这个类的一些常用方法。在实现快进后退的时候需要用到seekto这个方法,我百度查了一下对这个方法的介绍 ....
    【总结】关于MediaPlayer中的getCurrentPosition()和seekTo(int) ...
  • 本文章为原创,转载时请注明出处 实现 Android 的视频播放,通常有以下几种方式 1.使用自带的播放器,指定 Action 为 ACTION_VIEW,Data 为 Uri,T...
    关于Android VideoView seekTo不准确的解决方案 - 简书